The Basics of Using a Pepper Gun

by | May 23, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Written By Pepper Guns Blog

pepper gun

A pepper gun is a non-lethal weapon used to stun enemies. It accepts a variety of commercially available riot control agents in cartridge form and disperses them into a fine aerosol mist that can blind an enemy or cause a burning sensation at short range. The pepper gun is particularly useful for MJ12 commandos, who are immune to tear gas. A small burst is sufficient to stun an enemy and make them vulnerable to attack. Stunned enemies take 4x damage from stealth attacks, but are also unaffected by bleedout.

The most common type of pepper spray contains a chemical called oleoresin capsicum (OC). It is mixed with other inert ingredients, such as oil and water. OC has a high concentration of capsaicin, which makes it extremely effective at short range. Most pepper sprays contain a minimum of 2 million Scoville Heat Units, while newer and more powerful sprays have higher concentration levels.

Pepper sprays come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but most have the same basic design. The irritant payload consists of a powder, less frequently a liquid or gas. It is usually contained within a projectile that may be a sphere, but it can also be in the shape of a nozzle or a pistol-like handle. The nozzle is protected by a safety that must be disengaged before the OC can be fired. The safety may be a side-slide or a spring flip top.

Many people carry pepper spray as part of their everyday carry equipment. Although this is a very useful and reliable tool, it can have drawbacks if it is not used correctly. It is important to know where to aim and how to deploy a pepper spray in order to be able to use it effectively.

Most pepper sprays are aimed at the face of an attacker in order to prevent them from advancing on you or attacking other people. When deployed in this manner, it is best to spray directly at the eyes of an assailant in order to temporarily blind them and inhibit their ability to see where they are going. This can also help to deter an assailant from pursuing you after they have been sprayed.

Unlike guns, pepper spray canisters are generally safe to be carried in a pocket or purse and can be rapidly accessed when needed. The only drawback is that you must manually disengage the safety to activate the nozzle, which can be difficult to do in a stressful or violent situation. Most users suggest practicing this motion with a training canister to ensure that it becomes second nature when you need to use the spray in real life. The most reliable way to ensure that you are able to fire your pepper spray when you need it is to carry a model with a quick-release trigger and a safety that is easy to disengage with your thumb. It is also recommended that you practice aiming with the trainer canister to get familiar with the movement and speed of firing.

Written By Pepper Guns Blog


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