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pepper balls

Pepper balls are less-lethal weapons that are aimed from a specialized gun or launcher. They are filled with pepper irritant powder that can saturate an area for up to 12 feet when they explode on impact. This is much wider than the effect from a pepper spray canister and makes them ideal for use against two legged or four legged attackers. They also are more effective than tear gas, which requires direct contact to cause a person to lose control of their movements.

Law enforcement agencies, such as the New York City Police Department, often use them in situations where physical proximity to an alleged perpetrator is dangerous, but deadly force is not warranted. In addition, private individuals and businesses have used them to fend off intruders or break up fights without putting themselves in harm’s way.

The weapons are easy to use and are designed not to hurt the attacker in any way. Instead, they rely on pain compliance and incapacitating effects to subdue an individual. They are especially useful in situations where a person is unwilling to comply with an officer or other authority figure.

They are also more portable and easier to carry than traditional weapons like firearms. The specialized launcher that holds the pepper balls can be kept in a bag or on a belt. The manufacturer of the device also produces a smaller model that looks more like a flashlight, which allows it to be easily carried on the go and quickly accessed when needed.

One example of this is the PepperBall LifeLite. It uses a CO2 cartridge similar to a paintball cartridge and has an integrated laser point guide for targeting and accuracy. The black safety pin is removed to activate the device, and a single press of the trigger releases the projectiles. The device has a rechargeable battery and can fire up to five rounds.

The product’s manufacturer, PepperBall Technology, also produces a wide range of different launchers and guns for both law enforcement and private citizens. The models for civilians are designed to look more like everyday tools such as flashlights or pistols, which makes them more discreet and harder to spot by potential attackers. These models are also less expensive than the professional versions that law enforcement and security companies may use. This is important in reducing the risk of an accidental discharge or injury to innocent bystanders. PepperBall products are endorsed by the US Army, Border Protection and thousands of law enforcement agencies. They are also available to the general public through online retailers and many stores that sell military-grade equipment.